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Invitation Only - Summer School for Elementary and Secondary (K-7)
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About Invitation Only - Summer School for Elementary and Secondary (K-7)

Destinado únicamente a los estudiantes del distrito escolar de Park City que actualmente cursan 1.° a 7.° grado. No hay clase el 4 de julio, 24. Si aún no tiene una cuenta de Eleyo, cuando haga clic en una clase para el grado de su hijo, se le pedirá que cree una cuenta. Asegúrese de incluir a todos sus hijos en su cuenta.

Intended only for Park City School District Students currently in 1st – 7th grade. No class July 4, 24. If you don't yet have an Eleyo account, when you click one the class for your child’s grade, you will be prompted them to create an account. Please be sure to include all of your children on your account.

There are no Invitation Only - Summer School for Elementary and Secondary (K-7) courses available for registration.